About Us

We are global experts in Halal Science

Global Haltech: Upholding the Sanctity of Halal Ecosystem through Halal Science

Global Haltech is a group that offers a “TOTAL HALAL TRADE ECOSYSTEM”. We offer a systematic and sustainable approach by integrating training, testing and providing tools of trade. Global Haltech also serves as a market connector linking FAR EAST producers to the world.


With our tagline and motto ‘Trust but Verify’, we bring upon the world the concept of halal value chain “ from lab to shelf”.


To become Global Halal Trade Ecosystem through the engagement of global communities to prosper global Halal market



To uphold the sanctity of Global Halal Trade Ecosystem through Halal testing, Halal product and competency



Trust but Verify


Core Values

Innovation, Integrity and Excellence


Our core value and culture is to constantly offer innovative solution, trust but verify to uphold Halal integrity and to become an excellent Global Halal Trade Ecosystem