Global Haltech Sdn Bhd (GH), a company that provide an innovative solutions for total halal trade ecosystem from ‘lab to shelf’. Starting from halal verification, training, consultancy, couching up to e-trade platform and publication we are the partner that you can trust. We has started publishing the Halal Business magazine called @Halal, an urban corporate publication inspired to feature the articles and advertisement related to halal community & business with zero limits. It also assist all the Halal Industry Captains and Business Leaders in the world to gain insight of Halal from A to Z. Together with support from relevant authorities, GLCs and industry player, we deliver thoughtful articles and offer different perspectives on current issues through an authoritative and ideal approach. We are giving valuable information and creating awareness by sharing and giving the best edutainment to our readers. @halal is a bi-monthly magazine, about 15,000 copies of printed versions and 25,000 digital editions is distributed monthly among Professionals, Managers, Executives and Businessmen (PMEB) across Malaysia. Since its launching early last year @halal has become media partner of several well-known events like MIHAS 2020, FHM 2019, MFIB 2019, Absolutely halal and Halfest 2019.
@halal can be accessed via clicking the picture. Feel free to explore further for any kind of collaboration like promotional campaign, advertorial, advertisement and events partner.