28 Sep
Global Haltech – a BioNexus Partner (BNP) Laboratory
Kuala Lumpur (11 September 2017) – Global Haltech (GH) was officially awarded with BioNexus Partner (BNP) Laboratories status by Bioeconomy Corporation on 11 September 2017. The award was presented by Secretary General of MOSTI, Datuk Seri Dr. Mohd Azhar bin Haji Yahaya representing Minister of Science, Technology and Innovation, Datuk Seri Panglima Wilfred Madius Tangau during opening ceremony of BioMalaysia 2017 held at Kuala Lumpur Convention Center (KLCC).
BioNexus Partners (BNP) laboratories are a network of key facilities selected by Bioeconomy Corporation to provide industry access to their services, expertise and facilities. These laboratories are available within Malaysia’s renowned 13 Institutes of Higher Learning (IHLs), 3 Research Institutes (RIs) and 3 Government-Linked Companies (GLCs), as well as other commercial service providers located in all regions of Malaysia.
“Global Haltech has made a remarkable corporate development achievement with the prestigious award of BNP Laboratories status by Bioeconomy Corporation. We are proud to be recognised and the BNP status will definitely grant Global Haltech competitive advantage to outperform other commercial service providers to offer Halal Science related services to our clientele worldwide. The award is truly a symbolic icon recognizing the achievement of Global Haltech as a Halal Science Consortium in the region , from lab to shelf”, said Ms. Hardiyanti Nirwan Ben, Chief Technology Officer of Global Haltech.
Moving forward, Global Haltech will constantly undertaking value-added Halal Science services and we foresee that the status may impart fiscal incentives, grants and other guarantees which fuel healthy growth in overall corporate and business development.
Ms Hardiyanti Nirwan Ben, Chief Technology Officer of Global Haltech was honoured to receive BNP Laboratories award. Let’s continue the spirit of “Trust but Verify”!